Chin-up variations

here is 12 variations of a few types of chin-up and pull up exercises you can do! A chin-up/pull-up is in my opinion the best body weight exercise you can do to build your core strength, grip strength, lats, biceps and forearms!

1) Reverse grip chin-up/pull-up

2) Neutral grip chin-up/pull up (less stress on the wrist, if u have wrist injuries)

3) Palms facing chin-up/pull-up (works the biceps well)

4) 2 second hold chin-up (great for developing strength)

5) Clock-ways and Counter clock-ways chin-up/pull-up (great for forearm and core strength)

6) Wide grip chin-up (targets the lats)

7) Wide neutral grip chin-up (hits the lats and biceps)

8) Close grip chin-up/ pull-up (targets the forearms, biceps and core strength, it's great for developing strength in the clench for mma and muay-thai fighters)

9) Chin-up/ pull-up burpees (strength, agility and endurance)

10) Behind the neck pull-up (emphasis more on the upper back muscles and traps)

11) Weighted chin-ups/ pull-ups (strength)

12) Assisted chin-ups (using a resistance band to take some of the weight off. These are great for developing the strength to do a full bodyweight chin-up or a pull-up. There are different resistance bands you can use and you can also use an assisted chin-up/ dip machine.)


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